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My Approach

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Therapeutic strategies for Misophonia have mostly focused on cognitive approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. These modalities certainly have their place and can help us understand our automatic thoughts and feelings when triggered, but these modalities engage the brain’s neocortex where we process complex thinking and language. The survival instincts triggered by trauma - or a trigger sound-- are not controlled by this part of the brain, it is controlled by our mid-brain or "limbic system" and our "lizard brain" where our emotion regulation and survival instincts live. These "lower" brain structures are directly connected to our brain stem which then communicates with the rest of the body. A significant study that compared MRI scans of misophone brains and “normal” brains found differences in the Anterior Insular Cortex—part of our mid brain where threat assessment is processed. To effect change, we need to access deeper parts of the brain and brain stem which can then share that change with the body. IFS and Brainspotting does exactly that—allows us access to deeper, unconscious parts of the brain. At this level of change, body sensations and emotional reactions shift in powerful ways with very little conscious effort. (For more information on these specific modalities, look under “Articles” to learn more.)

Featured on
"The Misophonia Podcast"

Check out my two part interview where I discuss trauma, how it can help us understand the Misophonia experience, and how it has informed my personal journey.

Part One


Part Two


Why "Misophonia Freedom Lab"?

At this writing, there is no definitive "treatment" for Misophoina, we are all still experimenting.  Most of us have heard "learn to live with it"--I don't accept that. There are success stories, but every case is a little different. Let see what works for you and maybe we'll find the breakthrough that is needed.
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Education and Training

"Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel" - Socrates

I have a passion for learning - from my Clients and for my Clients, for myself and for the world. I am constantly educating myself on the latest research and modalities that can help. The following is a list of both formal and informal learning experiences that inform my therapy practice.

Education (formal)

Antioch University Los Angeles (2015-20)

  - Master of Arts - Clinical Psychology

  - Bachelor of Art- Psychology

Otis College of Art and Design (93-97)

Certifications and Trainings

Certified Brainspotting Practitioner

CCTP-II (Certified Complex Trauma Professional Level 2)

Internal Family Systems

Boundary Work

T.R.I.P. (Trauma Regulation + Integration Process)

Trauma Focused CBT

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Education (informal)

20 yrs working in Film and Television production

22 yrs Sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous

5 years intimate and ongoing knowledge of early childhood development

Additional Populations/Work Experience

Complex Trauma


Dissociative Disorders

Eating Disorders

Addictions/Substance Use

Anxiety/Panic Attacks/Phobias

Spiritual abuse and/or loss of faith


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