Misophonia Freedom Lab
Therapy | Professional Development | Information
Community Collaboration
Welcome to Misophonia Freedom Lab!
Pardon the mess--this website is in the middle of a major update. There may be buttons that don't work yet, misspellings, and awkward formating...please check back to see how things evolve...
"This website is evolving, but the mission remains the same--to find relief for those suffering with Misophonia. For two years now I have been free from Misophoina, and I've had the privilege to connect with other amazing humans who are doing their part to contribute to this mission. While I still offer services for folks looking for therapeutic support (see My Approach for more info) this site will be shifting to highlight:
Professional development and "Collaboration Groups" for mind/body therapists working with Misophonia
Stories of hope and healing (see Misophonia Freedom Project)
Psychoeducation/Articles on Misophonia
Connections to trauma and how to access unconsious associations to triggers
How we can use this information to help people cope and ultimately--HEAL.
I am convinced now, more than ever, that Misophonia is a symptom of collective trauma. This has been hard for some to look at because there is a narrow view of what constitutes "trauma" and little common knowledge on what helps. This is where mind/body therapy modalities can help--because there is help. Trauma treatment has grown exponentially with every passing year and more and more people are understanding the impact of trauma--in ALL ITS FORMS. (Article on this will post soon,)
Stay tuned for updates....I feel like I get a new insight everyday! " - Kresta Dalrymple, LMFT, Founder
Calling all mind/body therapists
The Misophonia community needs you!--My workshop on Misophonia is now available for purchase and includes a free 30 min. consultation with me to answer any questions or discuss cases.
Click on"For Professionals" to find out more and use the contact form to get started.
Meeting every two months
"Collaboration Group" for mental health professionals who utilize brain/body modalities meets every two months to explore and support professionals on thier own healing journey or working with Clients with Misophonia. Together we can find better solutions.
Kresta Dalrymple, MA, LMFT, CCTP-II, CBP

Welcome to Misophoina Freedom Lab!
As a therapist specializing in the treatment of complex trauma and dissociation, I work with clients who's nervous systems are on "high alert" all the time due to a seemingly constant state of "fight or flight" signals from the brain.
The phenomena of Misophonia triggers the same responses. I use brain/body techniques to help relieve the chronic stress of an "always on" nervous system while addressing the emotions of rage and disgust that characterize the misophonia trigger response.
Some misophones also have trauma histories which can complicate addressing misophonia. I approach Misophonia from a "trauma lens" which just means I take a holistic approach to therapy--accounting for all the factors that make up a person's experience in the world including, biology, social messaging, cultural and ethnic influences, and generational traumas.
For more on my approach, information on "trauma therapy" and services, check out the "My Approach" page.
My main work is with individuals suffering with Misophonia. No two people are the same so no treatment plan is the same. I do a thorough assessment to identify areas of struggle and customize a strategy with my Client. Learn more in "my approach".
Misophonia is hard on families. Misunderstanding, conflict, feeling blamed or taking triggers personally are common problems. I can help support families to find workable solutions and mutual understanding around the phenomena of Misophonia.
I offer consultation services for individuals outside of CA for assessment and recommendations.Use the contact form to connect and get more information.
Consultations for professionals working with Misophonia are available in 30 min and 60 min sessions. See "For Professionals" tab for more information.